2019 Annual Meeting

92nd Annual Meeting of SCAS and SCJAS
South Carolina Academy of Science / South Carolina Junior Academy of Science

Francis Marion University is thrilled to be hosting the 2019 SCAS/SCJAS Annual Meeting and look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful campus on March 30th.  Details of this year’s meeting can be found below.   

Join Us Saturday, March 30th, 2019

At Francis Marion University, Florence, SC
Abstract Submission and Registration Opens:   Jan 1st
Abstract Deadline: February 8th (deadline extended)
Registration Deadline: March 1st
SCAS: Oral and Poster Format
SCJAS: Written and Oral Format

Plenary Address:  Dr. James T. Costa, Professor of Biology, Western Carolina University and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station

Title: Darwin’s Backyard: Lessons from an Inveterate Experimentiser

Dr. James T. Costa is a Professor of Biology at Western Carolina University and is the Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station.  Dr. Costa received his bachelor’s degree in biology and philosophy from the State University of New York College at Cortland, his Master’s in entomology and community ecology from the University of Georgia, and his Ph. D in population genetics and entomology from the University of Georgia.  Dr. Costa is also a Darwin and Wallace scholar and serves as a Trustee of the Charles Darwin Trust in London and was awarded the Wallace Medal from the Alfred Russel Wallace Memorial Fund in London.  He has written several popular books on Darwin and Wallace, including his most recent book, “Darwin’s Backyard: How Small Experiments Led to a Big Theory.” 

SCAS Meeting information:  Dr. Jeff Steinmetz, jsteinmetz@fmarion.edu

SCJAS Meeting information: Dr. John Kaup, john.kaup@furman.edu  

To register for this year’s meeting, please us the appropriate link below.  Links will be active starting January 1st, 2019.

SCAS Registration Link

SCJAS Registration Link

Special Instructions for SCJAS:  

  • For SCJAS student presenters – The 2019 Submission Guidelines (found on the FORMS link) provides your best pathway for ensuring you are properly registered and your abstract and research paper (if also submitting a paper) have been properly submitted.  You are strongly advised to read through these guidelines prior to registering for the meeting.  The online registration serves as both your meeting registration AND your SCJAS membership registration.  For students that completed a mentored project there are two additional items that are needed (further details on the FORMS tab).
  • For SCJAS Registration.  All SCJAS registrations must be completed online including the submission of your abstract.  [Note: you will copy and paste your abstract into the appropriate text box in the online registration form).  Your research paper (in PDF format) should be e-mailed by a teacher or administrator directly to Dr John Kaup (john.kaup@furman.edu).  Note: For schools with 10 or more students registering for and/or presenting at the SCJAS meeting – there is a “group Registration” option within the registration form.  Select that option and John Kaup will provide a spreadsheet option for registering your students and chaperones.  

Hotel Information: 

Preferred Hotel – Hyatt Place

A block of 20 rooms has been reserved at the Hyatt Place in downtown Florence.  This is a brand new hotel opening in early February.  Reservations can be made starting at the end of January.  The discounted rate for these rooms is $114 (+12% tax = $127.68 per room / night).  This hotel is within about 1 block of numerous dining options from upscale dinners to tacos, as well as a rooftop bar and a local brew pub.  To make a reservation, call the Hyatt Place at 843-519-9900 and ask for the SC Academy of Sciences rate, booking code SCAS.  You can also make reservations online on www.hyattplaceflorencedowntwon.com  using the code G-SCAS in the group/corporate code They will also have a website site up by the end of January where you can make online reservations if you prefer.  For driving direction, the hotel is located at 100 Dargan St. Florence, SC 29501.

Additional Hotel – Fairfield Inn & Suites

A block of 10 rooms is also reserved at the Fairfield Inn and Sweets, located at the intersection of I20 and I95.  This block of rooms is available for booking from now until the Hyatt Place reservations open up in late January.  This location is located near Florences main shopping district and is a short drive to the mall, movie theater, and numerous restaurants.  It is a bit cheaper, but a bit further from Francis Marion.  Cost for these rooms is $99 (+12% tax = $110.88 per room / night).  To make reservation call the hotel directly at 843-665-4488 and reques a room in the “SC Academy of Sciences” group block.  For driving directions the hotel is located at 501 Woody Jones Blvd, Florence, SC 29501.

Registration and Payment Deadline: March 1st, 2019
Payment Due Date: Payment Page Link – Registration is not complete until payment is received.

SCJAS (Junior)

  • SCJAS Membership: $10
  • Annual Meeting registration students: $20
  • Annual Meeting registration teachers: $20
  • Annual Meeting registration parents: $20
  • Annual Meeting plus SCJAS membership: $30


  • Annual Meeting registration students: $30
  • Annual Meeting plus SCAS membership: $40


  • If only registering for the Annual Meeting: $30
  • Membership Dues and Registration: $60
  • Membership Dues only $30.00

*Membership is required for students (SCAS and SCJAS) that are presenting their research in either an oral or poster format and/or submitting a written research paper.

Contact information:

Dr. Jeff Steinmetz

Associate Professor of Biology

Coordinator of Environmental Science and Studies

Francis Marion University 
PO Box 100547
Florence,  SC  29502
Phone (843) 661-1404
FAX (843) 661-4660

Email: JSteinmetz@fmarion.edu